January 31, 2025

February 2025 Newsletter

In This Edition:

  • Commissioner Update
  • Upcoming Events & Important Dates
  • Sports Updates
  • Announcements

Commissioner Update:

The basketball and soccer tournaments are coming up in the next three weeks so be sure to check the links below to get additional information on all the events. Please be sure to have your families and fans purchase tickets in advance to avoid the line getting into events.

Last year, due to low numbers in middle school and JV tournaments we asked teams to travel to the south regional where combined we had enough court space and teams for them to participate. 

There was significant pushback from doing this last year so we left the MS and JV teams in their varsity regions this year. The result were a MS and JV division not having the requisite three teams needed to compete.

It is evident that in basketball and volleyball we need to consider having sub-varsity tournaments that are separate from varsity and eliminate the regional play so as to ensure teams can participate.  This is something we will be looking into this summer.

TAIAO met with the Texas Six-Man Coaches Association and petitioned for membership in their association.  If their Board approves the application, then we would need to be approved by their membership this summer.  Also, sixman coaches are encouraged to attend their clinic in Witchita Falls June 19-21.

We have a final location for the track meet.  It will take place at Abbot Stadium in Abbot Texas.  This is a brand new facility and we are looking forward to being one of the first meets held there. 

While we have had fewer athletes declared ineligible for postseason events, it is nonetheless greater than zero.  I urge all members to please make sure all their athletes meet the eligibility requirements or have exemptions.

The Steering Committee has begun the process of considering changes to the General Rules.  If you have a change you would like to see made to the General Rules (not a sports plan) then please reach out to me ([email protected]) or one of the SC members.  Finally, please mark your calendar for the Annual Meeting June 7th.

God Bless … Coach Golemon

Upcoming Events:

February 6-7

Regional Basketball Tournaments (San Antonio & Ft Worth)

February 14-15

Basketball Finals (Round Rock & Georgetown)

February 15 

Basketball All Star Games (Georgetown)

February 21-22

Soccer Tournament (Austin)

March 15th

Registration closes Baseball, Softball, Golf & Tennis

March 30th

Registration closes E-Sports & Track & Field

March 30th

Tennis payments due

April 6th

Baseball, Softball, Golf, E-Sports  & Track payments due

April 11 

Tennis Tournament (North Richland Hills)

April 21

Golf Tournament (Manor)

April 23-24

Baseball and Softball Tournament (Franklin)

June 7th

Annual Meeting

Sport Updates:

Spring sport registrations open on January 6th.  Click here to register

BASKETBALL: We have set the state championship and All Star games for Feb 15h at Zion Lutheran School.  Click here for access to the Detailed Tournament Information Page.

SOCCER: Click here for access to the Detailed Tournament Information Page. 

E-SPORTS: E-Sports has moved to being a spring sport.  Teams can play from a school or home. Register by clicking here or contact Commissioner Golemon with specific questions. 

GOLF: Please check the sports page on the website for details.

TENNIS: Please check the sports page on the website for details.

TRACK: We are still working on finalizing the track meet location.  We are currently working with Belton ISD and Abbot ISD on locations.  We will know more in mid January.

Important billing note: TAIAO is unable to invoice for any sport until the organization has registered for the sport online.  Individual sports like  Track, Golf & Tennis will be invoiced once we have received the team rosters.  Please request a payment link if you would like to make an online payment by emailing [email protected]


The following are new or returning members to TAIAO:

  • PSAT Academy – Houston area
  • New Braunfels Thunder – San Antonio area (returning)
  • Greenville Homeschool Athletics

Connect with Us:

Please reach out to us at [email protected] to let us know of anything that we can post on our social platforms.  Also, be sure to engage with us on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube.

If you have any exciting news, achievements, or community initiatives you’d like to share in the next newsletter, please reach out to Brent at [email protected]